Hi Champion,
What are some of the moments in your life that changed EVERYTHING for you?
I'll never forget the moment I heard my father died suddenly with no explanation.
I'll never forget the moment I heard my friend had a stroke at only 22 years old.
I'll never forget the moment I realized that if something happened to me, my son would experience significant difficulty.
I'll never forget the moment I had to escape my toxic relationship.
I'll never forget the moment I held my son for the first time after giving birth to him.
I'll never forget the moment I got retrenched and had no job and no money.
I'll never forget the moment I had to run for my life in the jungle of Africa running away from a Lion .
And more importantly!
I’ll never forget the moments I went to bed with people I did not love.
Holy crap moments.
Wow moments.
Moments of change.
These moments led me to make a commitment to finding my life’s purpose. I made it my mission to use my talent to help others to discover their lives purpose, by showing them how to have a deep belief in their own dignity, self-worth and always feel that their life has ultimate significance.
The problem was, I tried to do it on my own.
I wasted a lot of time. I made way too many mistakes
And I burned a LOT of money.
I finally stopped banging my head against the wall and decided to take a new approach.
Instead of trying to figure it out myself, I would surround myself with a group of people who were trying to accomplish the same goals!
Over the next year, I invested over $20,000 in personal development and learning how to network and form relationships with the top people in my industry, as well as joining high-level mastermind groups.
Fast forward just 6 months. I had created a 7-figure network!
Then I decided to share my step-by-step process with 10 people who affectionately became my "Founding Members."
I walked them through my system.
I answered their questions.
I watched them get incredible results.
In that moment, I knew I had something great that had to be shared with the world.
I could create that community that so many people need in their life.
A community someone could join, and if they took action, get meaningful results that could change the entire course of their future.
The good news is, you have the opportunity to join the Finding Your Life Purpose - Mentoring Society right now.
The bad news is, I am only accepting 20 people this week and the signups keep rolling in.
How long will you wait to take control of your future?
Enter you details below to accept your invitation and to see if you qualify!
All my love,
Your Sister in Success & Prosperity
Katinda Ndola
Founder of Finding Your Life Purpose - Mentoring Society (FYLP-MS)